L. E.

Web development and Graphic Desig

5 / 5

Valor hora:
USD 20.00

Freelancer experto en Diseño y Multimedia


  • Diseño Gráfico
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Ilustración
  • Adobe Fireworks
  • WordPress

Sobre mí

Im an illustrator web developer and graphic designer born in Medellín, graphic designer of the Academia Superior de Artes. My illustrations have a unique and interesting style. I present to you a work where recreate everyday stories through art, inspired by nature and the human figure, conventional ... Ver más detalles

Historia laboral

* ADE. Agencia Detonante de Emociones

Examen Estado
U.S. English Basic Skills Test
Spanish Grammar Test
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Test
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Test