
Research and data entry for multilateral organization tenders in Angola (multidonors)

Publicado em 03 de Maio de 2023 dias na Finanças e Administração

Sobre este projeto


We are looking for a freelancer to help us with a research project on tenders being offered by multilateral organizations in Angola. The project involves creating a table to track tenders, including recent tenders, project budgets, and deadlines. The freelancer will be responsible for finding the necessary information and entering it into the table.


Conduct research on multilateral organization tenders in Angola
Compile data on tenders, including project budgets and deadlines
Create a table to track tender information
Ensure that all data is accurate and up-to-date
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Contexto Geral do Projeto

We are a management consulting firm specializing in project finance, capacity building, and management services, with offices in Europe and Angola. As such, we are specifically interested in tenders related to consulting services. The freelancer hired for this project will be responsible for researching and tracking tenders related to consulting services offered by multilateral organizations in Angola and will be expected to maintain a high level of accuracy and attention to detail throughout the project.

Categoria Finanças e Administração
Subcategoria Relevamento de dados
Tamanho do projeto Pequeño
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Prazo de Entrega: 05 de Maio de 2023

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