Sobre este projeto
it-programming / mobile-development
Contexto Geral do Projeto
Chat Moderation Platform Project Description: The project consists of a chat moderation (multi)platform where two different users (profile A / profile B) will be able to interact with each other on both, a web and a mobile version. Each profile has requisites that will be specified below. The system follows the following concept of chat moderation: User/profile (A) will be able to interact with multiple (“n”) users in the same chatroom, whereas user/pofile (B) will only be able to interact with the users/profiles (A). The User/profile (A) are moderator profiles, having the ability to interact with and sell media to as many users (B) as they wish at the same time. User B can acquire the media of User A, having a positive credit balance on the chat platform. Features User/profile (A) Moderator profile Will be able to interact with more than one B-User at the same time in the same chatroom The A-User will have a dashboard with the following characteristics: He can register/edit/delete various A-User profiles. The registration screen shall have the following fields: Photo, age, gender, location, password, permission The registration screen of the media shall have fields for photos, audio and video files to make unlimited amount of uploads. The profile of the A-User shall have access to the data of the B-User The screen will be organized in a form that the A-User will always know when the B-User is online, with whom he interacted, all past interactions with all A-Users, a description of the credit balance of the B-User, all media files the B-User had access to, which A-User sent media to the B-User, informing date and time of the media upload. A chatroom where the A-User will be able to interact with the B-User, being able to send and purchase media, as long as he has a positive credit score on the platform User/profile (B) Registration fields containing age, name, gender, up to 5 pictures, location, interests of the A User. Registration screen for credit card registration, enabling payment within the platform. A screen showing the available credit balance on the platform. A screen showing all the media the user had access to. Important: the B-User shall only access media through the platform. Media download by the B-User shall not be possible. A Shopping Cart screen, with access to all media provided by the A-User A search screen where the B-User can look for for A-Profiles, based on the user’s preference. Access to the chat room in order to interact with the A-User. Editing Screen of the data of the B-User Shortcut on the chat screen to acquire media of A-User the quickest way possible. Within the chat room, the B-User can acquire media of the A-User as long as he has a positive credit balance. In case of a negative credit balance, the platform will facilitate the acquisition of new coins. A transaction on the platform shall follow the model of coin acquisition by the B-User in order to acquire the media of the A-User. To do so, the B-User shall have his credit card registered and a positive credit balance, in order to acquire new coins on the platform. Admin Profile: The Admin Profile has access to the registration and activation of A-Users and B-Users Features of the platform: - The platform shall have a communication channel (chat room) for the profiles to interact with, allowing the acquisition of coins by the B-User. - The platform shall provide a user friendly interface and registration process for the B-User, allowing registration by E-mail. - The access to the media files shall only be granted if B-User has a positive credit balance on the platform (measured in coins). - Every media pack shall have a correspondent value in coins. - The B-User can acquire media packs after registering his international credit card. - Example: a pack with 5 media files = 5 coins= 10 dollars. - A registration screen with media packs, containing value in coins. - A registration screen with coins, containing value in dollars and euros. - The system shall provide media, coins and products within the platform, which can be acquired by the B-User. Technical requisites: The platform shall use software architecture MVVM for mobile and web contemplating 80% of the code tests. Technologies: Mobile = Flutter framework. Data Base = PostgreSQL Api Rest BackEnd = NodeJs. FrontEnd Web = React ou Vue.js The mobile version shall be compatible for Android and IOS. The FrontEnd Web shall be responsive. The layout shall use the Material Design by Google. The platform shall be internationalized, with options in German, English and Portuguese-pt-br.
Categoria TI e Programação
Subcategoria Programação de Apps para Android, iOS e outros
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