Analisando propostas

Outsource Sa Venezuela is currently hiring customer service representatives to help us to take phone calls.

Publicado em 06 de Junho de 2018 dias na Marketing e Vendas

Sobre este projeto


Hello My Name is Carlos Lugo and i got 2 job offers that you might like to review

Project Manager.

Outsource SA is looking to hire a really committed, responsible person with an excellent English level to work with us as a Project Manager. We would like you to work from home. The only things you need in order to work with us are: a proper pair of headsets, a computer, quiet work environment, and a good internet connection.
As a project manager, it's important that you have excellent communication skills since you will the liaison between the company and our clients.

Salary starts at: 50.... leia mais

Categoria Marketing e Vendas
Subcategoria Televentas
Tempo requerido Mais de 20 horas
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Prazo de Entrega: Não estabelecido

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