Analisando propostas

Maquete 3d de um complexo educacional /3d Maquette of an educational complex

Publicado em 05 de Abril de 2023 dias na Design e Multimedia

Sobre este projeto



"Create a training ecosystem that involves Education, Culture, Health, Sport and, finally Development and Innovation Research in all areas of science, in an environment of integration with nature."
For this architectural project, a large plot of land with easy access is essential, preferably with a green area around it to provide a more pleasant environment. The complex will consist of different landscape-integrated buildings, with some blocks connected by walking paths in order to allow a fluid circulation between the different areas, with large green areas and pleasant landscaping. The total area of ​​the complex must be between 170,000 and 250,000m², being:
Every development must respect a vertical growth limit of maximum four floors

"Criar um ecossistema de formação que envolva a Educação, a Cultura, a Saúde, o Desporto e, finalmente, o Desenvolvimento e a Investigação de Inovação em todas as áreas da ciência, num ambiente de integração com a natureza."
Para este projeto arquitetônico é fundamental um terreno amplo e de fácil acesso, preferencialmente com área verde ao redor para proporcionar um ambiente mais agradável. O complexo será constituído por diferentes edifícios integrados na paisagem, com alguns quarteirões ligados por percursos pedonais de forma a permitir uma circulação fluida entre as diferentes áreas, com grandes áreas verdes e agradável paisagismo. A área total do complexo deve estar entre 170.000 e 250.000m², sendo:
Todo empreendimento deve respeitar um limite de crescimento vertical de no máximo quatro pavimentos.
Kindergarden, Elementary and HighSchool buildings are close to the sports club, so they´ll have the water piping and system shared (pools, etc).

University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, and Medical Center are close to each other, with proper walking passages from one to another. Right after are the Academy of Sciences and the research and Tech Scientific Development Center.

The living space with mall should be centered and easy to access by all blocks.

The University Hotel will host students and also normal guests. Different sectors for each is desirable and will stand close to the Health facilities.

The administrative center will embrace all the complex too and should be almost the same distance from all the blocks.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

The project aims to create an external 3D maquette of this educational complex (details on attached PDF). This project is still being discussed, so NO interior design or detailed building space distribution is needed. Each building has its own destination. Sustainability, green areas, and people circulation throughout the complex should be accompanied by trees´s shadows (walking and cycling paths).

Categoria Design e Multimedia
Subcategoria Modelos 3D
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