Analisando propostas

Development of a new electronic device

Publicado em 11 de Junho de 2023 dias na Engenharia e Manufatura

Sobre este projeto


Well , the most vital electronics devices I will like to develop is a medical device like hearing aids Hearing aids are small electronic devices that are designed to help people with hearing loss to hear better. They work by amplifying sound and delivering it to the ear. Hearing aids can be worn behind the ear or in the ear, and are available in a variety of styles and sizes. They can be customized to fit the individual's hearing needs and can improve communication, social interaction, and quality of life.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

Well my project is be customized to improve individual hearing needs and can improve communication, social interaction and quality of life

Categoria Engenharia e Manufatura
Subcategoria Outros
Tamanho do projeto Pequeño
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