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Webapp to scan own feet, test integration with Realitycapture Api

Published on the January 08, 2025 in Sales & Marketing

About this project


Develop a Beta WebApp -for mobile only- that must contain

A. Registration (Gmail, FB, Apple, Microsoft)
B. New page with and exploratory image, "start scanning right foot" button
C. Once the buttom is clicked it should connect with RealityCapture API (can be done through Make -ex Integromat-). It should automatically create a New Project on the backend called <user_email>-RightFoot; the user will be asked for the permits to use camera and others needed; the the camera should be opened in the webapp to start scanning.
D. Then once done with one foot it should proceed with the second one in the same way. It should create a project in the backend <user_email>-RightFoot.
E. Thank you note

Back end:
Access to the user data base and the foot scan documentation, export them.

Check the RealityScan App as reference.

Project overview

We want to understand the potential of RealityCapture API and its usability.

Category Sales & Marketing
Subcategory Other
Project size Small
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed

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