Sobre este proyecto
writing-translation / subtitling-1
Contexto general del proyecto
We are LEAF (Love based education for adoptive families) - In partnership with Parents in Training Inc., We have developed an Adoption Wraparound Service, with a love-based unique methodology. This is an intense trauma-responsive educational program for adoptive parents on how to better understand and care for their adopted child, promoting a loving and healthy environment at home. We help families who have adopted children under the age of eighteen, in the state of California, who are receiving benefits through the Adoption Assistance Program.
Categoría Redacción y Traducción
Subcategoría Subtitulado
¿Cuántas palabras? Más de 5000 palabras
¿Es un proyecto o una posición? Un proyecto
Disponibilidad requerida Según se necesite
Plazo de Entrega: 14 Julio, 2023