Evaluating bids

Sistema de administración de clientes de Tvcable e Internet

Published on the September 01, 2020 in IT & Programming

About this project


FACTURACION automatica: Generación Facturas Automaticas, Reporte de Pagos Diarios, Promociones, Descuentos. Control INVENTARIO:Control de Equipo Asignado a Cliente, Historial de Equipo Cliente, Control de Inventario Físico. TICKET (Orden de Trabajo): Definir Tareas, Reasignar tareas a Técnico, Reportes estadisticos.

Georeferencia (Google MAPS):Localizar geograficamente nuestras Torres y los clientes(WISP). WEB Services: Cobros en instituciones bancarias (Bancos, Cooperativas).

Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Web development
What is the scope of the project? Create a new custom site
Is this a project or a position? Project
I currently have I have an idea
Required availability As needed
API Integrations Cloud Storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), Payment Processor (Paypal, Stripe, etc.)
Roles needed Developer, Business analyst, Designer

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed

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