Analisando propostas

Scientific Portuguese Translation Expert Needed

Publicado em 10 de Junho de 2024 dias na Tradução e conteúdos

Sobre este projeto


I'm in need of a freelancer proficient in Portuguese to handle technical and scientific translation tasks. I'm primarily targeting the general public with these documents. To successfully accomplish this, you need to:

• Have an excellent mastery of the Portuguese language
• Particularly skilled in translating technical and scientific material
• Be able to ensure the translated materials are accessible to the general public
• Possess unparalleled accuracy and keen attention to detail.

Feel free to bid if you fit these requirements.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

"To deliver accurate and precise translations of scientific documents, research papers, and technical materials from English to Portuguese, ensuring that complex scientific concepts and terminology are conveyed with clarity and fidelity, and facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and innovation across linguistic and cultural boundaries."

Categoria Tradução e conteúdos
Subcategoria Tradução
Quantas palavras? Entre 1000 e 5000 palavras
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Disponibilidade requerida Conforme necessário

Prazo de Entrega: 29 de Junho de 2024

Habilidades necessárias

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