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Research and complete working paper for an Esports Award Ceremony - How to Organize an Esports Award Event

Publicado em 22 de Novembro de 2020 dias na Suporte Administrativo

Sobre este projeto


We need to compile a working paper on 'organizing' an Esports award ceremony. Just like other awards, The Grammys, Golden Globe Award etc, we need a complete research paper to cover these key topics;

1) What are the esports award ceremonies around the 'world' - List them down
2) What 'types of awards' are presented in an Esports Award - List down with Genre
3) How to 'appoint' a panel judge for an esports award
4) Qualifications to be an Esports Award 'Judge'
5) Esports award 'guideline' & 'criteria' based on every type of awards listed in item 2) - Very important!
6) The 'judging' criteria and guideline for each listed award in item 2)
- The merits & points of each judging criteria etc
7) Judging Form - Sample of a form
8) Percentage of Panel Judges Vote Vs Public Vote - how is it done
9) Best Practices of other esports awards around the world
10) Any other topics related, that can help especially the guidelines & criteria of awarding of each genre
11) Any other key topics needed to be in this research paper

Contexto Geral do Projeto

This project/research/working paper is to understand how to organize an Esports Award Ceremony. There many esports awards out there; check out his link -

Categoria Suporte Administrativo
Subcategoria Investigação de mercado
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Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
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Prazo de Entrega: Não estabelecido

Habilidades necessárias

Outro projetos publicados por A. J.