
Publicar Projeto Apple

Published on the May 18, 2016 in IT & Programming

About this project


Comprei um script clone do UBER chamado Uber for X com pacote para web, ios e android.
O Android e a plataforma web (backend) já estão ok.
O IOS, eu preciso publicar. Já fiz as alterações necessárias (logo, imagens, APIs, etc),

A conta de desenvolvedor da Apple tb já está ok.

Então o que preciso é:

1) mandar os pacotes (motorista e passageiro) para o profissional que vai publicar na Apple Store. Abaixo, Segue o passo a passo do desenvolvedor.

Posso mandar o pacote antes de fechar para o profissional ter a certeza de que está tudo ok para publicar.


paso a passo passageiro

Rebuilding your iOS App

Here are the steps to re-build your iOS app,

Step 1: Open Client Taxi Code in Xcode

i.     Download your latest copy of Client Taxi
ii.     Unzip File
Double click on TaxiNow.xcodeproj file


Step 2: Re-Building the Project

Change the below things in project


- App Name
- App Bundle Identifier
- version no. (By default its 1.0 in starting phase of project)
- build no. (By default its 1.0 in starting phase of project)


- Bundle Display Name
- Facebook Display Name


Step 3: Change Base URL and Stripe Key


- Change #define API_URL
- Change #define SERVICE_URL
- Change #define PRIVACY_URL


- Change StripePublishableKey (Test or Live Key of Stripe)


Step 4: Change in Localization File

/UberNewUser/HelperClass/Strings File/Localizable.strings

Change this things according to the your project
- “application name”
- “driver accepted the job"
- “driver has arrived at your place"
- “your trip has been started"
- “driver has started towards you"
- “your trip is completed"


step 5: change graphics

put all dimension types of appicon in the project (not inside any folder)

- icon.png                (57x57)
- Icon@2x.png            (114x114)
- Icon-40.png            (40x40)
- Icon-40@2x.png        (80x80)
- Icon-40@3x.png        (120x120)
- Icon-60.png            (60x60)
- Icon-60@2x.png        (120x120)
- Icon-60@3x.png        (180x180)
- Icon-76.png            (76x76)
- Icon-76@2x.png        (152x152)
- Icon-Small.png              (29x29)
- Icon-Small@2x.png        (58x58)
- Icon-Small@3x.png        (87x87)


- Icon-Small@2x.png           (58x58)
- Icon-Small@3x.png           (87x87)
- Icon-40@2x.png         (80x80)
- Icon-40@3x.png         (120x120)
- Icon-60@2x.png         (120x120)
- Icon-60@3x.png         (180x180)


- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- Retina 4 - give 640x1136 Splash Screen


- 1x - give 320x480 Splash Screen
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- 3x - give 750x1334 Splash Screen


- 1x - give 320x480 Splash Screen
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- 3x - give 750x1334 Splash Screen

Step 6:  Change Facebook App ID


- Change FacebookAppID


- Change #define FBID (give your FacebookAppID)


passo a passo motorista

Rebuilding your iOS Driver App

Here are the steps to re-build your iOS app,

Step 1: Open Driver Taxi Code in Xcode

Download your latest copy of Driver Taxi
ii.    Unzip File
iii.    Double click on TaxiNow Driver.xcodeproj file


Step 2:  Re-Build the Project

Change the below things in project


- App Name
- App Bundle Identifier
- version no.
(By default its 1.0 in starting phase of project)
- build no. (By default its 1.0 in starting phase of project)


- Bundle Display Name
- Facebook Display Name


Step 3: Change Base URL


- Change #define API_URL
- Change #define PRIVACY_URL


Step 4: Change in Localization File


Make following changes according to the your project

- "Job_done"
- "call user"
- "tap when started"
- "tap when arrived"
- "start trip"
- "end trip"


step 5: change graphics

put all dimension types of appicon in the project (not inside any folder)

- icon.png                (57x57)
- Icon@2x.png            (114x114)
- Icon-40.png            (40x40)
- Icon-40@2x.png        (80x80)
- Icon-40@3x.png        (120x120)
- Icon-60.png            (60x60)
- Icon-60@2x.png        (120x120)
- Icon-60@3x.png        (180x180)
- Icon-76.png            (76x76)
- Icon-76@2x.png        (152x152)
- Icon-Small.png              (29x29)
- Icon-Small@2x.png        (58x58)
- Icon-Small@3x.png        (87x87)


- Icon-Small@2x.png           (58x58)
- Icon-Small@3x.png           (87x87)
- Icon-40@2x.png         (80x80)
- Icon-40@3x.png         (120x120)
- Icon-60@2x.png         (120x120)
- Icon-60@3x.png         (180x180)


- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- Retina 4 - give 640x1136 Splash Screen


- 1x - give 320x480 Splash Screen
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- 3x - give 750x1334 Splash Screen


- 1x - give 320x480 Splash Screen
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- 3x - give 750x1334 Splash Screen


Step 6:  Change Facebook App ID


- Change FacebookAppID

/UberNewDriver/External API/FaceBook Utility/FacebookUtility.h

- Change #define FBID (give your FacebookAppID)


Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Apps programming. Android, iOS and others
Is this a project or a position? I don’t know yet
I currently have I have the design
Required availability As needed
Experience in this type of projects Yes (I have managed this kind of project before)
API Integrations Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), Payment Processor (Paypal, Stripe, etc.)
Required platforms iPhone

Delivery term: May 14, 2016

Skills needed