Comprei um script clone do UBER chamado Uber for X com pacote para web, ios e android.
O Android e a plataforma web (backend) já estão ok.
O IOS, eu preciso publicar. Já fiz as alterações necessárias (logo, imagens, APIs, etc),
A conta de desenvolvedor da Apple tb já está ok.
Então o que preciso é:
1) mandar os pacotes (motorista e passageiro) para o profissional que vai publicar na Apple Store. Abaixo, Segue o passo a passo do desenvolvedor.
Posso mandar o pacote antes de fechar para o profissional ter a certeza de que está tudo ok para publicar.
paso a passo passageiro
Rebuilding your iOS App
Here are the steps to re-build your iOS app,
Step 1: Open Client Taxi Code in Xcode
i. Download your latest copy of Client Taxi
ii. Unzip File
Double click on TaxiNow.xcodeproj file
Step 2: Re-Building the Project
Change the below things in project
- App Name
- App Bundle Identifier
- version no. (By default its 1.0 in starting phase of project)
- build no. (By default its 1.0 in starting phase of project)
- Bundle Display Name
- Facebook Display Name
Step 3: Change Base URL and Stripe Key
- Change #define API_URL
- Change #define SERVICE_URL
- Change #define PRIVACY_URL
- Change StripePublishableKey (Test or Live Key of Stripe)
Step 4: Change in Localization File
/UberNewUser/HelperClass/Strings File/Localizable.strings
Change this things according to the your project
- “application name”
- “driver accepted the job"
- “driver has arrived at your place"
- “your trip has been started"
- “driver has started towards you"
- “your trip is completed"
step 5: change graphics
put all dimension types of appicon in the project (not inside any folder)
icon.png (57x57)
Icon@2x.png (114x114)
Icon-40.png (40x40)
Icon-40@2x.png (80x80)
Icon-40@3x.png (120x120)
Icon-60.png (60x60)
Icon-60@2x.png (120x120)
Icon-60@3x.png (180x180)
Icon-76.png (76x76)
Icon-76@2x.png (152x152)
Icon-Small.png (29x29)
Icon-Small@2x.png (58x58)
Icon-Small@3x.png (87x87)
Icon-Small@2x.png (58x58)
Icon-Small@3x.png (87x87)
Icon-40@2x.png (80x80)
Icon-40@3x.png (120x120)
Icon-60@2x.png (120x120)
Icon-60@3x.png (180x180)
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- Retina 4 - give 640x1136 Splash Screen
- 1x - give 320x480 Splash Screen
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- 3x - give 750x1334 Splash Screen
- 1x - give 320x480 Splash Screen
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- 3x - give 750x1334 Splash Screen
Step 6: Change Facebook App ID
- Change FacebookAppID
- Change #define FBID (give your FacebookAppID)
passo a passo motorista
Rebuilding your iOS Driver App
Here are the steps to re-build your iOS app,
Step 1: Open Driver Taxi Code in Xcode
Download your latest copy of Driver Taxi
ii. Unzip File
iii. Double click on TaxiNow Driver.xcodeproj file
Step 2: Re-Build the Project
Change the below things in project
- App Name
- App Bundle Identifier
- version no.
(By default its 1.0 in starting phase of project)
- build no. (By default its 1.0 in starting phase of project)
- Bundle Display Name
- Facebook Display Name
Step 3: Change Base URL
- Change #define API_URL
- Change #define PRIVACY_URL
Step 4: Change in Localization File
Make following changes according to the your project
- "Job_done"
- "call user"
- "tap when started"
- "tap when arrived"
- "start trip"
- "end trip"
step 5: change graphics
put all dimension types of appicon in the project (not inside any folder)
icon.png (57x57)
Icon@2x.png (114x114)
Icon-40.png (40x40)
Icon-40@2x.png (80x80)
Icon-40@3x.png (120x120)
Icon-60.png (60x60)
Icon-60@2x.png (120x120)
Icon-60@3x.png (180x180)
Icon-76.png (76x76)
Icon-76@2x.png (152x152)
Icon-Small.png (29x29)
Icon-Small@2x.png (58x58)
Icon-Small@3x.png (87x87)
Icon-Small@2x.png (58x58)
Icon-Small@3x.png (87x87)
Icon-40@2x.png (80x80)
Icon-40@3x.png (120x120)
Icon-60@2x.png (120x120)
Icon-60@3x.png (180x180)
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- Retina 4 - give 640x1136 Splash Screen
- 1x - give 320x480 Splash Screen
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- 3x - give 750x1334 Splash Screen
- 1x - give 320x480 Splash Screen
- 2x - give 640x960 Splash Screen
- 3x - give 750x1334 Splash Screen
Step 6: Change Facebook App ID
- Change FacebookAppID
/UberNewDriver/External API/FaceBook Utility/FacebookUtility.h
- Change #define FBID (give your FacebookAppID)
Delivery term: May 14, 2016