Analisando propostas

Project descriptions help stakeholders and team members understand the details of a proposed project. Project managers often create pr

Publicado em 13 de Setembro de 2023 dias na Tradução e conteúdos

Sobre este projeto


Project descriptions help stakeholders and team members understand the details of a proposed project. Project managers often create project descriptions to present to their team and executives of the company for which they work. Understanding how to create an effective project description can help you communicate your ideas effectively and ensure that your team makes appropriate decisions once a project begins. In this article, we define a project description and describe how to write one in ten steps.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

Project descriptions help stakeholders and team members understand the details of a proposed project. Project managers often create project descriptions to present to their team and executives of the company for which they work. Understanding how to create an effective project description can help you communicate your ideas effectively and ensure that your team makes appropriate decisions once a project begins. In this article, we define a project description and describe how to write one in ten steps.

Categoria Tradução e conteúdos
Subcategoria Tradução
Quantas palavras? Entre 1000 e 5000 palavras
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Disponibilidade requerida Conforme necessário

Prazo de Entrega: 14 de Setembro de 2023

Habilidades necessárias

Outro projetos publicados por G.