Hi there!
I'm looking for a CakePHP developer to help me finish my Web Platform.
Name of the platform: Peeppol Network (
www.peeppol.net ). Already online. We Provide Website for the Cinema and Performing Arts Communities.
We also will serve as a Database and have strong social responsibilities in mind.
Work to be done by developer:
Payment Process:
Payment Process info window:
-Account selected,
-Country (automatically show according the location of the user)
-eu vat validation (integrate vies system to verify the vat. -
www.vies.pl ),
-Promotion or invitation Code Form,
-Total Price (with promotion code discount and VAT added or not)
-Payment : Stripe Checkout (Stripe Checkout:
https://stripe.com/checkout ) and Paypal.
Promotion Code:
-Possibility for me to create different Promotion Code with different discounts.
-Attach the promotion code to the member that used it.
Stripe Checkout (After Payment)
This is what I want after members have payed with Stripe:
1- To add the new member to a Plan on Stripe(Personal, Association or Company plans);
2- Save the new member as a customer with the name and email provided during sign up on Peeppol;
3- Save billing information (credit card) to be used the next billing period and to charge it automatically.
4- Attach an email to the new customer on Stripe. Making possible for Stripe to send a receipt to the new subscriber.
Subscription Info:
Add to 'Account info' the information about the Member's actual Subscription.
-Billing info
-Billing Active or not
-Next Billing period
-Cancel or renew Subscription.
Database we are working with: MySQL (manage with Sequel Pro).
Design: Design of the windows are already done and to be given on .PSD file.
Framework: CakePHP
Best regards,
Eduardo Garcia
Delivery term: Not specified