Sobre este projeto
sales-marketing / data-analytics
Part time temporary
job.Post one article to multiple Facebook pages daily. Paid per documented post in the correct place on each Facebook page. Must be able to post in USA, although freelancer can be located anywhere. The only requirements are must have good English and be able to post in Facebook. Pay will be 25 cents USD per post. You can post up to 60 articles a day, however Facebook may limit you to 15 to 30 a day. (I am not sure what their limit is.) If you have multiple Facebook accounts or can create them, then you probably could post up to 60 a day. Must submit a screen print of your Facebook posting page and give me a couple of days to review. Paid weekly. Easy part time job for a stay at home Mom, etc. Very easy job and can be done anytime during your day. Need an average of about 15 post a day during weekdays, but can work on weekend at your option.
I estimate that i could easily post 40 comments in 15 minutes easily since it only pasting, which would leave the other 3/4 of an hour to pull up their Facebook websites in your browser. This is a easy part time job.
Contexto Geral do Projeto
Facebook post
Categoria Marketing e Vendas
Subcategoria Data Analytics
Tamanho do projeto Pequeño
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