Analisando propostas

Migrate Openmiracle to recent version of .net framework or net core and make some customizacion

Publicado em 24 de Setembro de 2021 dias na TI e Programação

Sobre este projeto


Hello i have the ERP Openmiracle and i want to migrate to software to recente version of .net framework or better to Netcore. If you want to know about OpenMiracle please checkout:  And the end the freelancer have to:
Give us source code of the sofware ready to work in new .net version
2. Configure the database
3. Change  icons, logo, title of page
Add a new screen to the sofware

I have the source code of OpenMiracle

Categoria TI e Programação
Subcategoria Aplicativos desktop
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Plataformas exigidas Windows

Prazo de Entrega: 03 de Outubro de 2021

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