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Looking For a graphic designer that already work with holograms

Publicado em 06 de Janeiro de 2024 dias na Design e Multimedia

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Good morning. I am French living in Paris. I am looking for a 3D graphic designer. I work with holographic fans and I connect several of them to make large format. I also work with transparent LED screens. These do exactly the same thing as classic LED walls, but as they are transparent, it is possible to send 3D content to them and you have the impression of seeing a hologram. The clip are made with programs like after effect, 3D max, blinder etc. 3D animations must be done on a black background which becomes transparent when they are broadcast. I am therefore looking for a graphic designer who has already worked on this type of material. He must be able to bring logos to life, create universes, make cutouts, etc.

Categoria Design e Multimedia
Subcategoria Modelos 3D
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Disponibilidade requerida Meio período

Duração do projeto De 1 a 3 meses

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