About this project
design-multimedia / logo-design
Project overview
Em resumo, o objetivo é estabelecer uma identidade visual forte e coesa para a marca "Urban Glasses", Uns sites de referência: https://www.oticamori.com.br/oculos-de-sol-prada-17ws-1ab5s0-preto.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAqNSsBhAvEiwAn_tmxTVTkHCCanHoUu7ZLScviNEbGxE28ozdUsz98e_2gX6G0ZwzYsOXZRoCjoQQAvD_BwE 2.
Category Design & Multimedia
Subcategory Logo design
What do you need? Create a new logo from a sketch
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed
Logo type Font-based (A text-based logo with the name of the company)
Delivery term: Not specified
Skills needed