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I need a Writer and Translator

Publicado em 08 de Janeiro de 2023 dias na Tradução e conteúdos

Sobre este projeto


We have a yearly budget meeting/seminar submit for next month, I and other directors are required to package our estimated budget, plan, expectations, in a simple documentation kind of survey for presentation to the management board of directors who are made of unique people from diverse race, tribe, culture, some of which are Arabians, Spaniards, Brazillian, Vietnamese and so on also with this were looking forward to reach the massive internet crowd with our ideas of rebranding after the submit. Not only do I need translators of the above listed dialects to translate my papers so each will be presented to the management board of directors in their local languages for better understanding and impressions. The translato will also translate the backup article I look forward to publish to the martketing media it’s 30,000 words is the equivalent of 60 single-spaced A4 pages, It might sound like a lot, but you can easily reach this wordcount with the help of a standard word processing program and a good translator will be able to meet my deadline given the circumstances of it being a month away. I’ll be needing translators in the following languages Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese if possible a multilingual translator or polyglot. This program name is abbreviated as A for Arabic, S for Spanish, V for Vietnamese and P for Portuguese (ASVP)

Categoria Tradução e conteúdos
Subcategoria Tradução
Quantas palavras? Até 1000 palavras
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Disponibilidade requerida Conforme necessário

Prazo de Entrega: Não estabelecido

Habilidades necessárias