Analisando propostas

I am looking for a developer to create a chat application considering the following requirements:

Publicado em 01 de Dezembro de 2020 dias na TI e Programação

Sobre este projeto


A service which is scalable.
    I must be able to use it for multiple applications. E.g., A support 1x1 chat (such as the Zendesk chat component) and a chat with friends in a dashboard. That means each client has an unique ID I can use to send him/her messages (including offline)
    Online/offline status
    The application must be secure, i.e., We should use SSL + ensure others are not able to infiltrate the conversation.
    The authentication might be done via token. The client will not authenticate directly.

An external service will authenticate the user credentials and will allow the user to use the application.
    Allows file transmission including audio, images and PDFs.
    Video and voice calling
    The frontend is required only for testing the solution.

We should be able to built our own frontends

Contexto Geral do Projeto

You are free to decide which technology to use, however: NodeJS, Java or PHP are preferred We prefer the whole solution to be built on top of an existing and secure platform, which will likely reduce the development costs and ensure some level of security. For the video calls it is ok (and preferable) that we use an external service. However, we should not need additional plugins or apps. Everything should run in the browser and potentially on mobile. I ask you to introduce an initial set of technologies in your proposal as well as the reasons for it. That way you allow me to evaluate your skills and justify the price you are asking for. If you have questions we might discuss them later. However, I expect you have an initial proposal and the costs for it, even if we make some adjustments later. Follows an example (the letters are hypothetical services, technologies or numbers): "I propose the use of AWS A because we can scale the application using B. For sending the messages, we should create a service using the protocol C because of [one or more particular features]. For storing the data we could use the database D because of [one or more particular features]. For storing the files we can use E. For the audio and video calls we can use the external service F, but you might need to pay USD G,00 for each minute the user is on a call. As an alternative, we might use service H, which is less expensive per minute, but I advise you that we have [this set of limitations]. I want to develop it in [programming language here]. The communication with the client might be done with [protocol/API/other?], and your application will scale because of [reasons here]." From your proposal I would like to know your experience with Cloud development (e.g., AWS). The scalability is important for this project.

Categoria TI e Programação
Subcategoria Programação
Qual é o alcance do projeto? Alteração média
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Tenho, atualmente Eu tenho especificações
Disponibilidade requerida Conforme necessário
Integrações de API Outros (Outras APIs)
Funções necessárias Desenvolvedor

Prazo de Entrega: Não estabelecido

Habilidades necessárias

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