Analisando propostas

(Español o Inglés)Design attractive animations for Private English Lesson post ads on Social Media

Publicado em 04 de Outubro de 2021 dias na Design e Multimedia

Sobre este projeto


(Diseño de animaciones atractivas para anuncios de clases de inglés particulpar en redes sociales)
Hi there, I need help giving my posts ideas some life!
I am an private English Teacher who wants to spread his services throughout Latin America. I think short promotional animated posts would be the best for me to start with. I like kinetic typography, but any original idea that helps creating engaging posts is an asset.

My style of teaching is what varies from other teachers and what I want to highlight in my posts.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

The general idea is to promote my online 101 private courses.

Categoria Design e Multimedia
Subcategoria Infográficos
Do que você precisa? Criar um infográfico novo a partir de um esboço
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Prazo de Entrega: 07 de Outubro de 2021

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Outro projetos publicados por P. M.