
Esp32-C3 Board - Pcba Kicad Project and Gerber files

Publicado em 22 de Setembro de 2022 dias na Engenharia e Manufatura

Sobre este projeto


ESP32-C3-mini - - PCBA Kicad Project and Gerber files

This project intends to make a fully functional copy of the Wemos C3-mini PCBA v2.1.0 as defined and shared by

This project will be defined by the following activities:
1.    Draw a equivalent copy of the circuit board as defined in the original PDF file C3_mini.kicad_sch (see attached file).
1.1.    Deliverable: Schematic file for the PCB project using KiCad 6.0.7 (KiCad Schematic 6.0) .sch file.
2.    Place components, route all connections and define board outline as dimensions specified in file dim_c3_mini_v1.0.0.pdf (see attached file).
2.1.    Deliverable: Preliminary PCB designer file using KiCad 6.0.7 (KiCad Board 6.0) .kicad_pcb file.
3.    Check designer rules, place fiducials marks and prepare copper pour to create Gerber’s files for a two-layers 0.8mm thickness PCB and purple solder mask. Please follow JLCPCB's capabilities as reference for all other requirements.
3.1.    Deliverable: Gerber files, Drill files, Drill map files, BOM files and Centroid Files for individual PCB.
4.    Prepare a panel with 6 units individual PCB placed in 2 rows (2x3).
4.1.    Deliverable: Gerber files, Drill files, Drill map files, BOM files and Centroid Files for panel PCB.
5.    Prepare final project files with all resources used to make it (Schematics, Symbols, Libraries, Footprints, Models, Netlists, Board etc.)
5.1.    Deliverable: Project files using KiCad 6.0.7 (KiCad Project 6.0) .pro file.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

We prefer to use Kicad, the open-source CAD softeare. Many other options for PCB Cad softwares exists and we have sure much of them will superior to Kicad. Any way for this project KiCad is the prefered software because it is a free-software solution.

Categoria Engenharia e Manufatura
Subcategoria Desenhos em CAD
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