Necesito una persona que haga una serie de ejercicios sencillos, este es el primero de 3.
Se adjunta en pdf. No se puede usar chatGPT ni copiar y pegar directamente, hay un sistema antiplagio.
Se creará un documento de word respondiendo a las preguntas, incluyendo screenshots si hace falta, contando con las siguientes notas que pone al final del pdf.
In each question the steps/changes in the configuration and the results obtained should be shown in detail.
The caa is a personal and individual work controlled by the uoc plagiarism tools and where the regulations of the subject are
... Read more applied in relation to copies (see the teaching guide). The code & solution will be verified that this is not created by IA platforms and that is real/original work of the student.
Student submission of this caa indicates that the student has read and agrees the terms and that the caa meets the above criteria for privacy and authorship.
Assessment Scale:
• Exercise 1: 30%
• Exercise 2: 30%
• Exercise 3: 40%
Format and deadline date: the deadline must be strictly respected with the date indicated on the virtual campus and a single file must be uploaded in PDF format at the evaluation section (maximum 15 A4 pages, with 11-point font and single spacing ). View less
Delivery term: March 27, 2024