Analisando propostas

Devops to architect and automate server infrastructure to handle heavy access

Publicado em 26 de Agosto de 2024 dias na TI e Programação

Sobre este projeto


I have a single dedicated server hosting:
- Tomcat server for a JSF application that consumes a lot of memory due to ViewScoped pages
- Nginx as reverse proxy
- Postfix, dovecot, fail2ban, among others

I have a Chef script to install a new server from scratch, but it's using an old Chef version

On a few days a year, we experience heavy access, like 20000 users at the same time, which leads to outofmemory errors in Tomcat, too many open files errors in Nginx, and it's impossible to keep the service up. It's a complex system, it involves a lot of DB queries/updates and calculations, it's not just reading pages.

I need someone to architect a new infrastucture properly configured for my needs, including proper configuration of MySQL, Tomcat, DB connection pool, Nginx and load balancing for database and http requests. The installation of the servers need to be completely automated, either by Chef using the most recent version or by any other tool that we can discuss.

Categoria TI e Programação
Subcategoria Outros
Tamanho do projeto Pequeño
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