Evaluando propuestas

Development of a virtual reality (Vr) Architecture experience for use on the Oculus Quest 2 device

Publicado el 22 Marzo, 2024 en Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Sobre este proyecto


I already have the floor plan and the interior design project for the apartment!

Development of a virtual reality (VR) experience for use on the Oculus Quest 2 standalone device, to showcase a two-bedroom apartment. As requested, the experience will be a walkthrough without interaction with objects (such as material changes, opening doors, lighting adjustments, etc).

You're gonna recieve the final architectural project in dwg/rvt or datasmith exported 3d format, along with all necessary information about decoration, dimensions, finishes, and references.

Based on all the information received, the virtual model will be constructed, following the stages of texturing, composition, lighting, optimization for Standalone, and VR development. Upon completion, the model will be presented to for approval or revision. Additionally, a virtual reality (VR) file will be provided so that the can view the model on their own headset, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of humanization and materials before final approval.

Contexto general del proyecto

Delivery of VR experience in Unreal Engine Delivery of the model in Unreal Engine Discussion on how this delivery can be done, according to your workflow

Categoría Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Subcategoría Modelador en 3D
¿Qué necesitas? Modelado 3D de un objeto ya bocetado
¿Es un proyecto o una posición? Un proyecto
Disponibilidad requerida Según se necesite

Plazo de Entrega: No definido

Habilidades necesarias

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