Evaluating bids

Dev Front (Net + React) / Azure – Sr

Published on the December 23, 2021 in IT & Programming

About this project


•    Profissional deve ter desenvoltura e experiência com reporte direto ao cliente.
•    Experiência com desenvolvimento front .net.imprescindível ter atuado com react e reporte ao cliente.
•    Mandatórios
•    desenvolvimento em .net utilizando azure;
•    azure function;
•    c#; .net core; web api; ef 6 (migrations / code first);
•    ef core (migrations / code first);
•    react;
•    angular 2+;
•    ioc;
•    sql server; mongodb (opcional);
•    repositório git;
•    rest;
•    tdd / bdd;
•    azure storage (tables, blob).

•    Front-end:
•    javascript;
•    react;
•    redux;
•    d3 (all the visualizations are written in d3)
•    existe um "client-api", que transforma os dados no omnia com propósitos de visualização, que usa node.js e javascript.

Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Web development
What is the scope of the project? Medium-sized change
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed
Roles needed Design a landing page, Designer, Developer, Business analyst

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed

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