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Design official logo for music studio/school

Publicado em 05 de Dezembro de 2020 dias na Design e Multimedia

Sobre este projeto


I need a fresh design for my music studio/music school logo. The name of my studio is "House of Music Arts". I didnt came up with the name because I actually inherit this studio from my mother.
I cant changed it as the studio will lose its privilege, And the only way is to find the right logo design that makes it look more sophisticated and modern so I can use it for official works, which Im having trouble with the name "house of music arts".. I want it to look modern but minimalistic.. I need it ASAP so i can use it for my next video project..

Contexto Geral do Projeto

Mainly our business is a recording studio and a music centre/class. I need the logo design that can represent my studio, watermarks for official documents, copyright logo for music release products.

Categoria Design e Multimedia
Subcategoria Design de Logo
Do que você precisa? Criar um logotipo do zero
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Disponibilidade requerida Conforme necessário
Tipo de logo Logo icônica (Uma marca cujo isotipo se relaciona com o nome)

Prazo de Entrega: 12 de Dezembro de 2020

Habilidades necessárias