
Design a website for a caregiving training company

Publicado em 17 de Janeiro de 2021 dias na TI e Programação

Sobre este projeto


I need a website for my company that provides training for caregivers for the elderly. We also deploy the caregivers that we have trained to clients who need our service. The training will be in a workshop format for beginner level and advance level.
The website should contain the following:
a.) A brief history of the company
b.) The team members and their backgrounds
c.) Our affiliations with our corporate and government partners
d.) Our training content and pricing
e.) Pictures of our training session. We need you to find non copyright restriction pictures as we will be having our first training only in February 2021
f.) Methods on how clients can reach to us if they need caregivers that we have trained
g.) Other trainings that we are providing such as English, French, Tamil, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin and Arabian Language for caregivers that are preparing to go abroad to work.

I need the website to be ready by end of January 2021. I am targeting this training for Malaysians and foreign nationals who are in Malaysia.

Categoria TI e Programação
Subcategoria Web Design
Qual é o alcance do projeto? Criar um novo design personalizado
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Tenho, atualmente Eu tenho uma ideia geral
Disponibilidade requerida Conforme necessário
Integrações de API Mídias sociais (Facebook, Twitter, etc), Payment Processor (Paypal, Stripe, etc)
Necesidad específica Criar um site em Wordpress

Prazo de Entrega: Não estabelecido

Habilidades necessárias