Evaluating bids

Desarrollo de dos módulos para agregar funcionalidades al Pos de Odoo 15.

Published on the March 28, 2022 in IT & Programming

About this project


1. Módulo para agregar un Alias al cliente por cotización, pedido o factura.
(Module to add an Alias to the client by quotation, order or invoice.)
2. Módulo para  poder editar la descripción de un producto en el POS.
(Module to be able to edit the description of a product in the POS.)

Project overview

Hice un par de vídeos explicativos con lo que avancé por cuenta propia: https://youtu.be/dxU3OJ6R-q8 (Alias español) https://youtu.be/hZiSKBCV5GQ (Generic español) I made two explanatory videos with what I advanced on my own: https://youtu.be/wij0mH4Y_RM (Alias english) https://youtu.be/pzLtXZj9MVc (Generic english)

Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Web development
What is the scope of the project? Medium-sized change
Is this a project or a position? Project
I currently have I have specifications
Required availability As needed
Roles needed Developer

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed