
Current Events In The Urban Water Cycle

Published on the June 18, 2020 in Writing & Translation

About this project


Discuss the interaction(s) between the components of the urban water cycle and (urban) actors.
As such, you will explain how the current event you chose relates to the urban water cycle and to the relevant actors involved.
The report on you current event is expected to cover the following topics:
Describe the current event: Pick an event from the last 5 years that can be cited by at least 3 sources (academic, practitioner and/or media). The current event you chose must be relatable to the UWC or one of its components.

Explain the links and interactions: Analyse how the Urban Water Cycle (or the component you chose) is connected to (and connects) various actors. What kind of interactions are occurring between actors, and how have they shaped (or are they being shaped) by the current event.

-  The report is expected to be about 2 or 3 pages.
- Find detailed instructions on pdf.

Submission of the report to me by Friday afternoon June 19th, 4 p.m

Category Writing & Translation
Subcategory Article writing
How many words? Between 1,000 and 5,000 words
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed

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