About this project
design-multimedia / images-for-social-networks
Project overview
English will follow Preciso criar um cartão de membro tipo ID para todos os membros de uma associação. Um exemplo do badge pode ser encontrado neste link: https://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/830889127/lgbtqai-et-autres-cartes-de-membre. O arquivo final deve ser editável de forma que seja fácil para a associação mudar a foto e os dados do membro. O formato deve ser do tamanho de um cartão de crédito. ___________________________ I need to create a member card, like an ID, for all members of an association. An example of the badge can be found at this link: https://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/830889127/lgbtqai-et-autres-cartes-de-membre. The final file should be editable so that it is easy for the association to change the member's photo and details. The format should be the size of a credit card
Category Design & Multimedia
Subcategory Images for social networks
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Required availability As needed
Delivery term: September 20, 2024
Skills needed