Sobre este proyecto
it-programming / wordpress-1
* Create a wordpress template (lms) with integrations*
--> rank system
i would like to create some levels with specific acess:
level 1 - student (only watch videos)
level 2 - professor ( create videos, class)
level 3 - course administrator (it's possible create more class in specific course)
level 4- subject administrator ( can create a course of specific subject and can edit, delete just the courses of your subject : math, physics, portuguese and etc)
level 5 - project manager ( can create all types of courses and new subjects)
level 6 - assistant (can acess the admin panel, no permition to edit any courses, just to check login, send new password, check the comments)
level 9 - admin ( acess everything, edit everything, admin acess)
---> gamefication system
possibility to gain points for each class that studant complete
possibility to gain points for each class that professor create
the studants can evaluate each class and the courses
each amount of points you gain badges and possibility to give badges and create new when necessary.
Some Badges for example (math administrator allow this guy to became level 4 - subject administrator)
---> class gamefication
for exemple think in this course : basic math
the subject administrator of math create this course, the level 3 - course administrator of basic math course (remember with badge basic math admin) can edit and create more class, for example:
class 1 - geometry - video (possibility to specific the type of class)
class 2 - geometry excercises - text
and etc...
The professor just can create a video to put in class created before, the level 2 - professor can't create more class, understand ? the professor just can put his video of the class inside class 1 geometry for example.
Now think, more than one professor can upload (Youtube URL) their videos in Class 1, but the students can evaluate each video... For example, the student click in class 1 - Geometry then its open and show he top 3 videos of this class, you as student can vote inside each class if the video was relevant or not. Undestand? ) and a link more video to open all more videos about this class)
-> A space for donation ( a link, but I bealive that a plugin can do this)
-> Profile
Student Profile - SHow age, sex, name, badges, courses erolled
When the student is inside own profile, you can see the Inbox Message , update message when some person reply his post and etc
Professor Profile - The same of student, and the option to show the couses that the professor teachs when click show his class inside each course.
Course Administrator Profile - the same of professor profile + courses that he administrates ..
And etc...
--> Course Settings
- Each couse i'll show the requiriments to undestand the course, but this requiremente can be a link that lead the user to the couse necesssary
- SHow number of students enrolled and etc
PS: Each studant can Sign Up with Facebook, Gmail etc account
Ps2: Possibility to send e-mail to user when someano replies him
PS3: Possibility to admin send e-mails for all students and professor, possibility to filter the message (email) courses, levels etc...
PS4: Main page showing a search, when the user is typing will showing the course, if the user tipes the specific course and don't found results when he click ENTER ... He is lead to specific not found page with a contact form asking tell what you need, new courses suggestion and etc...
PS5: A blog page
ps6: a easy page builder, when create a new page, is easy to edit, and the admin of the page you can choose some options like: what menu you want, the first row choose (slide, search form, courses apresentation ... etc)
Tell me your BID , Accept Suggestions
Categoría Programación y Tecnología
Subcategoría Wordpress
¿Cuál es el alcance del proyecto? Desarrollo de sitio personalizado
¿Es un proyecto o una posición? Un proyecto
Actualmente tengo Tengo una idea
Disponibilidad requerida Según se necesite
Experiencia en este tipo de proyectos No (No he administrado este tipo de proyectos anteriormente)
Integraciones de API Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), Payment Processor (Paypal, Stripe, etc.), Cloud Storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), Otros (Otras APIs)
Plazo de Entrega: No definido
Habilidades necesarias