About this project
it-programming / mobile-development
Project overview
Nuestra idea o alcance central es colocar al momento de que el cliente realice una orden o pedido, la app le brinde la opcion de delivery o pickup al momento del pago. En caso de elegir pickup, la app debe traerle la opcion de horrario de recogido segun informacion imputado por el comercio donde se recogerá la mercancia o producto. Esta es nuestra pagina web: www.speedy.d o
Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Apps programming. Android, iOS and others
What is the scope of the project? Medium-sized change
Is this a project or a position? Project
I currently have I have specifications
Required availability As needed
Required platforms Android, iPhone, Other
I need to Modify an existing app
App type Other
Back-end is required Yes
Payment gateway No
Delivery term: Not specified
Skills needed