Evaluating bids

Conectar Api Efí de Leitura de Boletos ao Meu Sistema Bubble

Published on the December 08, 2023 in IT & Programming

About this project


Estou procurando um freelancer esperto para juntar a api de boletos da efí (https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/13574984/UyrDCurw#intro) com meu sistema feito no Bubble.io, para retornar os dados de um boleto a partir do código de barras.

Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Web development
What is the scope of the project? Small change or bug
Is this a project or a position? Project
I currently have I have specifications
Required availability As needed
API Integrations Other (Other APIs)
Roles needed Developer

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed

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