I run my business from Spain. My domain from “Hostinger” including two email addresses (
info@rent-a-nanny.es and
paypal@rent-a-nanny.es) ends in .es, and WIX doesn’t not (yet?) support the transfer of domains other than those ending in .com, .biz, .de and a few others.
It is very important to me that I can efficiently use WIX's integrated customer management system. As I am working with the user friendly dashport of WIX, I wanted to start answering my clients from the inbox right in WIX. Therefore, I decided to buy Google Workspace trough WIX, providing my domain and creating a new Email account (
That is the moment everything got out of hand:
Google workspace changed all the MX entries at Hostinger to Google, so that my two existing Email accounts aren’t functioning properly. I can only send but not receive emails.
Consulting Hostinger technical support told me to change the MX entries to Hostinger and so my new Email account (
contact@rent-a-nanny.es) didn’t work anymore.
Last thing I tried was to add the MX entries of Hostinger to the already existing MX entries of Google, but that didn’t work either.
My idea is now to migrate the two email addresses (
info@rent-a-nanny.es and
paypal@rent-a-nanny.es) from Hostinger to Google workspace. Can you help?
Prazo de Entrega: Não estabelecido