Video comercial animado y video presentación
A comercial animated video
El video comercial animado consiste en: una serie de secuencias en 2 d con colores dinámicas divertidas y que transmitan confianza mezcladas con textos. Explica el servicio de medicina prepaga veterinaria. Insertando personas, mujeres niños médicos veterinarios, perros y gatos.
Calle, edificios. Es solo el video sin audio. Con los siguientes textos incluidos: “Ahora Pet Go” “tus mascotas merecen lo mejor y vos la tranquilidad de que reciban la mejor atención veterinaria” Pet Go Medicina Prepaga Veterinaria” “La decisión inteligente a solo un click de distancia”.
“Para ellos que están a tu lado siempre, estamos nosotros.”” Tenemos un plan a su medida” “Adhiera hoy” “”
The animated commercial video consists, primary in an amount of sequences, in 2 dimensions, that has to be in colour, dynamic and very funny, so that can allow us to tell the client, and to transmit confident, all this, mixed whit some texts (that are going to be given by us) which contains explanations for the public, to let them know more about our enterprise. What I mean is that we want to report the public by telling them how this prepaid vet medicine service (or social works) function. We want to involve real persons, women, kids, vets and also pets like dogs and cats.
Buildings, streets too. This video has no audio, only images. It has to include the next texts (all in Spanish, just how I write them then): “ahora pet go” “tus mascotas merecen lo mejor y vos la tranquilidad de que reciban la mejor atención veterinaria” “pet go medicina prepaga veterinaria” “una decisión inteligente a solo un click de distancia” “para ellos que están a tu lado siempre, estamos nosotros” “tenemos un plan a su medida” “adhiera hoy”
This video has to be no longer than 30 seconds, and not smaller than 25 neither.
La video presentación es una serie de secuencias de imágenes en 2 d o cualquiera y mezcla de textos que transmitan la siguiente información: El funcionamiento de Pet Go Medicina Prepaga Veterinaria, dos personas charlando y una le muestra un folleto con planes para elegir. La persona piensa en su mascota enferma y elige un plan (indicando el del medio) luego se ve que afilia a la mascota y le entregan credencial con foto.
Salen contentos ambos por la plaza. Luego su perro enferma y va a una clínica veterinaria. La atiende un medico y le inyecta medicación.
La responsable de la mascota presenta su credencial y el medico carga la atención en una computadora. Se dan la mano el médico, el perro y la mujer. Vuelven a casa contentos.
Textos:” Pet Go Medicina Prepaga Veterinaria” “Fácil de acceder “ Fácil de usar” “ Económico” “Practico” “Confiable” “Pet Go Medicina Prepaga Veterinaria”
The video presentation consist in an amount of sequence that has images in 2 dimensions or another format that you would think is more convenient, and a mix of texts that can transmit this information: how this prepaid vet medicine works by showing tow people having a conversation, where one of them shows the other a brochure whit all the coverages that are available in our prepaid system, so this person , the one who has just take a look at the brochure think about his/her pet and its several illness, so he/she decided to acquire a coverage (this last, by putting his finger in the medium coverage, the one that is chosen). After this the video shows the person acquiring the prepaid vet medicine and getting a credential which has a photo of the pet on it, and he/she left the place with a smile in its face, happy, and going around a park playing together. Then the dog gets ill and his owner take him to a clinical vet, where its been taking care by a vet and having an injection.
The owner shows the credential and the vet charges it on a computer, then the shake hands the three of them, all together. Finally, the owner and his/her dog go home happy. From now on I am going to detail all the phrases that have to go in the video sequences ( in Spanish please, just how they are written next): “Pet Go Medicina Prepaga Veterinaria” “Fácil de acceder” “Fácil de usar” “ Económico” “Practico” “Confiable” “Pet Go Medicina Prepaga Veterinaria” “”.
This video has to be no longer than 30 seconds, and not smaller than 25 neither.
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