Esperando depósito en garantía

afaqali - Fr Algorthim

Publicado el 07 Marzo, 2021 en Programación y Tecnología

Sobre este proyecto


Project scope:
1-    They are two model. In this project; one is the original code which was downloaded from: , and the other code was developed by me in order to improve the original result.
2-    Both codes were tested on the same dataset Multiple dataset and both result are good.
The result I meant is image quality and loss accuracy loss including, generator loss, pixel loss, classify loss and most important is the identity preserving.
3-    Now when used different dataset the image quality is not good as supposed to be.
4-    The dataset used for this result is FEI dataset.
What is required?
Improve the current model result including image quality (should be high quality image), loss function (pixel loss, generator loss and classify loss) result, accuracy (identity preserving loss) result. The result must be shown both model on the same dataset.
Provide image file shown the improvement over the current result (the current program modification), and also you may show a graphical result for both model (combined together).

The modify code version will be provided once person accept the project.
Any changes to the code must be Mathematical presented in separate word document format.
A technical step must be also address in separate word documents format.

All the result must be submitted at the final stage
The program file must be workable file at the client side.
This task is for 5 weeks max.

Categoría Programación y Tecnología
Subcategoría Data Science

Plazo de Entrega: No definido