I'm a academic writer, for MBA/Bachelors/Diploma thesis, assignment and project papers. I have a vast experience in academic writing. I graduated in MBA Human Resource Management. I do proof reading and editing. Creating of title and contents on the required subject within the dateline stipulat ... Ver mais detalhes
Preço por hora: RM 45,00
As a graduate in Psychology, I have recently took up a serious interest in academic research, data science, and analytics. Currently freelancing and working as a remote agent on a project basis, while taking up data science lessons part-time (specifically, Python for now) with DataCamp. Aiming to lo ... Ver mais detalhes
Preço por hora: RM 30,00
Worked as a Programmer in Mystech Solution and currently working as a software developer in Serba Dinamik
a good communicator
able to work under pressure
looks always for creativity