Cheng Y.

Mobile Developer

5 / 5

Valor hora:
MYR 25.00

Freelancer experto en Programación y Tecnología

Habilidades principales

  • Ionic Framework (1 año)
  • Android (3 a 5 años)
  • WordPress (1 año)


  • Ionic Framework
  • Android
  • WordPress

Proyectos destacados


Cash-IN-Asia is a Business-to-Business (B2B) FinTech platform providing transparent, reliable and responsible financing solutions to SMEs in Singapore. Built with a team of developers using technologi...

  • Ionic Framework
  • AngularJS

Bluguard P2P (Android and iOS)

Bluguard P2P app enables you to access your Bluguard SmartHome System remotely.Developed using android studio only, the communication is done via 3rd party IOT communication framework. The app is stil...

  • Java

Ximple W3

Ximple W3 is built to control a package of smart home hardware and devices (Ximple W3). These devices include security surveillance, smart switch, alarms, PIR, remotes and various other devices. Built...

  • Java

Calificaciones de clientes

Proyecto privado

Freelancer Freelancer ISF ISF Hace 3 años

Escritura de artículosRedacciónInvestigación

Sobre mí

Software Developer specialises in Android development, with knowledge on hybrid (Ionic framework) and iOS (Swift 3) development.

Historia laboral

1) Bluguard P2P
As the only software developer, I contributed to various aspects of upgrading, adding features, detecting bugs and fixing bugs to ensure the app runs smoothly with minimal errors.

2) Ximple W3
Written from scratch using Android Studio, I've covered the codi
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Examen Estado
Test de inglés
Habilidades relacionadas

AndroidWordPressIonic Framework