Sylvia L.

Video editor

5 / 5

Valor hora:
MYR 15.00

Freelancer experto en Diseño y Multimedia

Habilidades principales

  • Microsoft Word (1 año)
  • Diseño Gráfico (1 año)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (1 año)


  • Microsoft Word
  • Diseño Gráfico
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

Calificaciones de clientes

Proyecto privado

Freelancer Freelancer ISF ISF Hace 2 años

Escritura de artículosRedacciónInvestigación

Sobre mí

I am a student who has just graduate and currently have an internship on helping the company to create social media in order to build a brand image of the company and engage more customers.

Historia laboral

I have experience in the marketing field by doing employer projects with partnerships with my college by creating a new campaign for the company and creating video from video scripts to video editing in my college assignments.
