Wanjun T.

Property Valuer

5 / 5

Valor hora:
MYR 15.00

Freelancer experto en Finanzas y Negocios

Habilidades principales

  • Escritura de artículos (1 a 3 años)
  • Adobe Photoshop (1 a 3 años)


  • Escritura de artículos
  • Adobe Photoshop

Calificaciones de clientes

Proyecto privado

Freelancer Freelancer ISF ISF Hace 3 años

Escritura de artículosRedacciónInvestigación

Sobre mí

I am a property valuer. I have been working in this post for 3 years and attending every project with full satisfaction of the clients and customers as well. I have immense capabilities in skills like providing indication value, market research, drawing floorplans and locality research

Historia laboral

I have valued properties like landed and highrise residential buildings, purpose built office and commercial shop/offices
