Kah S. C.

Full Stack Software Developer

5 / 5

Valor hora:
MYR 25.00

Freelancer experto en Programación y Tecnología

Habilidades principales

  • HTML5 (1 año)
  • Python (1 año)
  • Java (1 año)


  • HTML5
  • Python
  • Java
  • Android
  • Responsive Web Design
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby On Rails (RoR)

Calificaciones de clientes

Un cliente contrató a Kah S. C. en más de una ocasión.

Community Portal with Mysql and Java eclipse

Freelancer Freelancer W. X. W. X. Hace 5 años

"This guy will done it perfectly with the time frame given. "


Put list to a Csv by python

Freelancer Freelancer M. Y. M. Y. Hace 5 años



Sobre mí

I am Kah Shing, a young and energetic boy who love to code. I like to learn and adapt to new technology  whenever possible as i believe IT can change the world. With continous learning on trending technology can help me well prepared to fullfil the future needs of customer.

I am bas
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Historia laboral

Java Developer (2018 Jan - 2019 June, 1.5 years)
Develop and maintain web application using Java JSP for insurance industry.

Software Developer (2019 July - Present)
Research and develop software application according to customer needs. EG. Involved in Human Resources Payroll Sy
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