Tiew H. X.

Escritor online

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Freelancer experto en Redacción y Traducción


  • Escritura de artículos
  • Edición de textos
  • Redacción Periodística

Calificaciones de clientes

Proyecto privado

Freelancer Freelancer ISF ISF Hace 2 años

Escritura de artículosRedacciónInvestigación

Sobre mí

I am a freelancer who have been working in this field for over 5 years. In there past years, I have been completed many works and projects for my clients based on their needs. All of my clients are satisfied with my works.

Historia laboral

I have expertises in writing field. For instance, I have wrote many articles, blog, scripts, learning and teaching materials and others writing projects for my clients. Over these years, I have done about 10,000 projects for the clients.
