Sobre este proyecto
it-programming / mobile-development
Contexto general del proyecto
Proyecto a largo plazo . App mobile y tambie hay mas web. ClueGarden is a mobile app developed using React Native. Architecturally, this application follows a serverless architecture based in Google Services, in particular: - Firebase Auth - Firestore - Firebase Cloud Functions Regarding the mobile app, it's split into two main modules: 1- Core module that has all the business logic as well as the state management, and the connections with Firebase. This is built using: - Typescript v: 3.6 - Redux saga - Redux Sauce - Reselect 2 - Mobile module that contains the logic behind the view, navigation, animations and so on. Built using: - React v: 16.9 - React Native with Expo SDK 37 - Redux - React Navigation v4 - Formik Experience required: - React/React Native 2+y - Expo 1+y - Google Cloud platform: Firestore, Cloud Functions, Auth 1+y - Redux 2+y - Redux Sagas 2+y Experience optional: - Typescript - React Navigation v4 - Redux Sauce - Formik
Categoría Programación y Tecnología
Subcategoría Programación de Apps. Android, iOS y otros
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Actualmente tengo No aplica
Disponibilidad requerida Según se necesite
Plataformas requeridas Android, iPhone
Necesito Modificar una app existente
Tipo de app Otro
Plazo de Entrega: No definido
Habilidades necesarias