Soy iniciante en Unity y C#. Quisiera responderme rapido las preguntas que van apareciendo. Busco a alguien que tenga Skype y con el que pueda agendar con max.
24 h de antemano una sesion fuera de este lapso: 8-12 o 14-18, hora Europa Central. La conversacion seria via skype, no necesito ver cara, pero si compartir pantalla. Imagino que seran necesarias unas 4 h en total distribuidas en sesiones de minimo 1h c.u..
Si te interesa, dime cuanto costaria y si quieres tu skype adress de una vez
No busco programadores de proyectos completos, solo un apoyo puntual, limitado. Coloco abajo un ejemplo del texto en c# del cual en este momento quisiera entender sus elementos individuales y efectos en Unity, si piensas que conseguirias explicarmelo rapido, me alegraria tu contacto.
public CreatePolygon generatePolygonShape(Vector2[] v_polygon,Color col , bool earth, Texture text)
Vector2[] v_polygonFinal = new Vector2[4];
if (v_polygon[1].y> v_polygon[2].y && v_polygon[3].y>v_polygon[0].y && earth)
v_polygonFinal = new Vector2[3];
v_polygonFinal[0] = v_polygon[0];
v_polygonFinal[1] = v_polygon[1];
v_polygonFinal[2] = v_polygon[2];
else if (v_polygon[1].y > v_polygon[2].y && v_polygon[3].y > v_polygon[0].y && earth==false)
v_polygonFinal = new Vector2[3];
v_polygonFinal[0] = v_polygon[0];
v_polygonFinal[1] = v_polygon[1];
v_polygonFinal[2] = v_polygon[3];
else if (v_polygon[1].y < v_polygon[2].y && v_polygon[3].y < v_polygon[0].y && earth)
v_polygonFinal = new Vector2[3];
v_polygonFinal[0] = v_polygon[0];
v_polygonFinal[1] = v_polygon[1];
v_polygonFinal[2] = v_polygon[3];
else if (v_polygon[1].y < v_polygon[2].y && v_polygon[3].y < v_polygon[0].y && earth==false)
v_polygonFinal = new Vector2[3];
v_polygonFinal[0] = v_polygon[0];
v_polygonFinal[1] = v_polygon[1];
v_polygonFinal[2] = v_polygon[2];
v_polygonFinal = new Vector2[4];
v_polygonFinal = v_polygon;
GameObject goinst = Instantiate(mountain_sea, new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0));
goinst.GetComponent<CreatePolygon>().drawPolygon(v_polygonFinal, text, col);
return goinst.GetComponent<CreatePolygon>();
//draws the chart one for stored data and one for realtime-data
public void recalculateChart()
// obtain new means and indices ROADS
for (int ii = 0; ii < splinePoints; ii++)
v_mean[ii] = new Vector3((x_totalSeconds[storedIndices[ii]] - x_totalSeconds[0]) * scaleX, (mas_mean[storedIndices[ii]] - y_Max_value[0]) * scaleY, 0);
v_mean2D[ii] = new Vector2(v_mean[ii].x, v_mean[ii].y);
//mal obtention
mal_position[ii] = new Vector3(mal_position[ii].x / last_scaleX * scaleX, mal_position[ii].y / last_scaleY * scaleY, 0);
if (ii > 0)
interMean[ii - 1] = (splineMean[ii] + splineMean[ii - 1]) / 2;
Vector3 direction = v_mean[ii] - v_mean[ii - 1];
roads[ii - 1].transform.position = v_mean[ii - 1] + direction / 2;
roads[ii - 1].transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), direction) *
Quaternion.Euler(0, 00, -90);
roads[ii - 1].transform.localScale = new Vector3(direction.magnitude,
Mathf.Sqrt(0.2f * scaleX), 0.0001f);
//check the lines MAL
if (lines_Mal[ii-1]!=null)
Vector3 directionMal = mal_position[ii]- mal_position[ii-1];
lines_Mal[ii - 1].transform.position = mal_position[ii-1] + directionMal / 2;
lines_Mal[ii - 1].transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), directionMal) *
Quaternion.Euler(0, 00, -90);
lines_Mal[ii - 1].transform.localScale = new Vector3(directionMal.magnitude,
Mathf.Sqrt(0.01f * scaleX), 0.0001f);
spheres_Mal[ii].transform.position = new Vector3(spheres_Mal[ii].transform.position.x / last_scaleX * scaleX, spheres_Mal[ii].transform.position.y / last_scaleY * scaleY, 0);
//above water
if (interMean[ii - 1] >= zeroLimit)
//change spline to 0 if it is between the zero limit and the uplimits
for (int k = 0; k <
upLimits.Length; k++)
if (k == 0 && (interMean[ii - 1] >= zeroLimit && interMean[ii - 1] <= upLimits[k]))
roads[ii - 1].transform.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = mat[0];
else if (k > 0 && (interMean[ii - 1] >= upLimits[k - 1] && interMean[ii - 1] <= upLimits[k]))
roads[ii - 1].transform.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = mat[k];
else if (k ==
upLimits.Length - 1 && (interMean[ii - 1] >= upLimits[k]))
roads[ii - 1].transform.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = mat[k];
Duración del proyecto 1 a 3 meses