Evaluating bids

Website and marketplace for a Tech company located in silicon Valley that has also its own crypto, metaverse and Nft

Published on the June 26, 2022 in Design & Multimedia

About this project


We are Legathum, a tach company based in sv - ca and we are looking for a very talent web developer with a lot  experience in building website and market place for projects in the crypto world.  We would like to model websites such as decentraland. Unreal engine  epic games and for our marketplace we would like to build something similar to open sea but operates on BSC network.  We would love to see your work and hear your ideias as well.

Take a look on our website and see our white paper so you can understand better about our project and company and I am more than... Read more

Category Design & Multimedia
Subcategory Web design
What do you need? Medium-sized change
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: July 30, 2022

Skills needed