Real Estate investment company looking to hire a property manager. Someone with a legal background
OR strong knowledge in the real estate property management business is a must. Tasks will involve
managing properties, posting ads online, calling/vetting leads, processing applications, working on
rental/lease contracts, sending notices, keeping track of rent payments, and dealing with contractors for
What you'll do:
· Manage rent collections
· Regularly conduct property checks and inspections
· Notice tenants as necessary (violations, changes in terms, rent increases, etc)
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· Appraise current market rents
· Process move-ins & move-outs
· Find, select, and manage vendors and contractors
· Coordinate rent ready renovations
· Market vacant properties
· Process rent applications
· Regularly report on status of all properties
will train the right person. The ideal candidate should be able to read, understand, and write legal
type documents, as well as be able to communicate effectively.
1. Working knowledge of Google Docs/Sheets or MS Excel/Word
2. Excellent organizational skills
3. Excellent organizational skills
4. Fast learner, good at research
5. Ability to work independently & think on your feet
6. Good people skills
7. Must speak English & Spanish
PLUS (But not required):
1. Some marketing skills
2. Good with numbers
3. Any Construction Knowledge View less
Project duration More than 6 months