The program is very simple (This is a university psychology survey program):
1) It is a dialog program where allow the user to select the 1 answer out of 5 answers for each question, then after answer one question then proceed to next question (use radio button)
2) User initial data entry screen: Age, Ethnic, Gender
3) There is a button to allow the user to navigate to next question as well as go back to previous question. Only after all questions are answered, the questions window can then only be allowed to close. Program also needs to show which question that the user not answer yet
... Read more and navigate to that question.
4) Exit message: "Thank you for answering these important questions, have a nice day"
3) Questions and answers will be ready sometimes 1-2 weeks from now as still being prepared and there will be 21 questions (or less than that ) plus 5 answers for each in all (any changes will inform)
4) Timeline to work on the program is 5 days. You can create a data entry table for me to enter my questions and answer accordingly. Program allows admin access for data entry table and user access, and create new table as well.
5) Admin is allowed access to all, user access to questions and answer only.
6) UAT - we can use dummy data if my questions and answers not ready by then.
7) Admin is to be able to churn report ( which can be exported to csv or txt file) :
a) Report screen to allow select the following filter by age or ethnicity or gender
show a breakdown of answers by questions:
For example, in Question 1 --> there are total 7 users answers this question (some select similar answers, some select different answers) - then report to show breakdown of the number of answer by questions by the filter criteria (age or ethnicity or gender) when running report.
B) Report screen selection to total breakdown to list all question and number for each answers provided.
For example, 21 questions, and 10 respondent - i.e, breaddown from the 210 answers, what is the breakdown for each question --> Question 1 has 4 different answers from the 10 people, then show
Question no 1 -- 3 people select 2nd answer -- show 3 for question 1 for 2nd answer
Question no 1 -- 4 people select 3rd answer -- show 4 for question 1 for 3rd answer
Question no 1 -- 2 people anser 4th answer - show 2 for question 1 for 4th answer
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