Mobile friendly, non-CMS, new luxury condominium pre-construction building Homesite. Buyers can reserve new condos on the building being built based on different floorplans.
There are two primary parts to the completed Homesite by end of project:
1. Brochure portion of the Homesite, approximately 29 pages, based on 3D architectural cross sectional backgrounds of building being constructed. Exterior 3D architectural model to be provided by Client, as being developed by another designer party.
2. Functionalities - buyer registration module, technical support ticket contact system, live chat, forum, reservation system, payment systems - quantity of further pages for all of these features to be determined. Functionalities can be set up as per '' examples to be provided, per further references.
Interior configurator (can be based on a customizable plugin) to be built and integrated into buyer reservation options, per high graphical standard.
We can also consider a customizable pre-developed interior configurator plugin.
Overall Homesite design can be inspired by references, in terms of features, characteristics, flow, and performance, as to be directed by Client to Designer, including, but not limited to following examples:
A. – functionalities, such as user registration modules, reservation system, payment processing (no longer available online, we will provide images of their previous website)
B. - example only, for inspiration of brochure component of Homesite, overall graphical design
(please note, above A and B are examples only; we are not copying their designs nor violating any copyrights of their originators; we are only indicating them as references for purposes of inspiration; our product is different in many respects; we can also draw on alternate sources for inspiration instead of these above indicated examples)
Ghost like graphics, and other graphical effects, to be integrated into Homesite, as to be discussed with Designer, and as per further examples to be provided.
Effective internet security measures to also be included in design.
No CMS to be used in design. Any proposals indicating CMS solutions will be rejected and not followed up upon. Partial code has been completed in PHP.
We are open to consideration of alternate non-CMS frameworks, to address performance.
Full Homesite, after milestone 1, to be completed over 59 days, over 4 additional milestones:
1. Milestone 1 - code to be completed by contractor per requirements to be specified separately, and based on partial code that has already been completed; pending successful completion by contractor, and within schedule to be agreed, further contract design is to begin at start of Milestone 2.
2. Milestone 2 (partial code already completed) - initial Homesite to be developed, based on:
i. 9 brochure pages, with 3D architectural backdrops on each page, in the style and quality of examples to be provided.
Functionalities pages - registration modules, reservation, payment processing, other modules, as as required.
Milestone 2 interim Homesite to be a fully working Homesite, to be delivered to Client by Designer, and to be uploaded live on Client's hosting plan - 14 days. Partial code already completed. You must utilize the existing code which has been developed and completed, that is provided during Milestone 1.
Thank you kindly in advance for your understanding on this point.
Please note, there are two contract payment modes for this project. In proposal freelancer must indicate which one they prefer (please note only one contract type is available, not both, nor a hybrid between the two) as described below:
A. Contract A - fixed rate - CAD 725 - milestones based payments in 3 parts, funds deposited in escrow.
B. Contract B - fixed rate - CAD 855 - paid in lump sum at project completion (funds are not pre-deposited in escrow or in milestones for contract B).
Please note above budgets take into account work hours already spent in code design, which client will make available to designer; the code design will be representing significant work savings to designer.
We are seeking an honourable freelancer, who sticks to agreed schedule, and who will not convert the project into a part time project. Priority focus required. Quality work is expected and on time.
We also are looking for a freelancer who is imaginative and who can offer ideas and suggestions to fill in gaps.
Confidentiality Agreement sign off required.
Please view above.
Delivery term: September 04, 2020