Hi Alejandro ,
Nice to have met you casually on a github reposity, I was admiring your Quantum E-commerce project, really nice congratulations! I have a proposal for you, would you like to hear it?
I'm looking for a developer who can convert my small webdesign e-commerce projects into websites.
I am a ux ui designer, and I have an e-commerce project to convert into a live site using the new language
next.js and a CMS such as prismic, which for me is the best that can be integrated with
next.js thanks to its speed and connecting the api of shopify, swell (if you do not know give us a look), the site is about cosmetics and perfumery. Let me know what you think, then if you agree I'll send you the prototype!
I would really like to work with you remotely, for this project and next, let me know!
Best regards,
Francesco from italy!
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